Autori i umjetnici
Radeći sa srednjom školom Minnetonka i školskim okrugom Minnetonka, sastavljamo listu radova bivših studenata koji su autori, umjetnici i muzičari. Na taj način, naš cilj je upoznati sadašnje i buduće studente MHS-a sa širinom i dubinom talenta u našoj alumni zajednici i prikazati dostignuća bivših studenata Minnetonke.
Šta bi moglo biti inspirativnije za studente koji razvijaju svoje talente i razmišljaju o budućim karijerama, od primjera uspješnih maturanata iz njihove škole?
Molimo vas da razmislite o tome da budete dio ovog projekta popunjavanjem ovog obrasca.
Kolekcija alumnija
Alumni autori
- Automat Ian Young, klasa 2002
- The Barrister and the Letter of Marque od Todda Johnsona, klasa 1971
- Blue Crystal Mountains , Paula Berndt (pseudonim PB Morlen), klasa 1977.
- The Boyfriend Fix , Emily Pini-Fay, Class of 2002
- Kritička reakcija Todda Johnsona, klasa 1971
- Crystal Blue Sky , Paula Berndt (pseudonim PB Morlen), klasa 1977.
- Darkness Unknown , Ian Young, klasa 2002
- The Deposit Slip by Todd Johnson, class of 1971
- The Eden Proposition od Kurta Dahla, klasa 1963
- Farrier Ride, A Harrison Thomas Mystery by David Preston, class of 1965
- Fatalno povjerenje od Todda Johnsona, klasa 1971
- Odbjegla žena , Peter C. Brown, klasa 1966.
- La Fugitive (Odbjegla žena - francuski prijevod) Petera C. Browna, klasa 1966.
- Good at People by Emily Pini-Fay, Class of 2002
- Goodbye Havana od Todda Johnsona, klasa 1971
- Identity Ride, A Harrison Thomas Mystery by David Preston, class of 1965
- Pejzaž, roman Donne Cousins, razred 1966.
- Mala plava zvijezda Paule Berndt (pseudonim PB Morlen), klasa 1977.
- Mourning Ride, A Harrison Thomas Mystery by David Preston, class of 1965
- Priča o kostima od Donne Cousins, klasa 1966
- Triatlonska vožnja, misterija Harrisona Thomasa, David Preston, klasa 1965.
- Čekajući kosti, Donna Cousins, klasa 1966.
- When We Finally Kiss Goodnight , Emily Pini-Fay, Class of 2002
- Kolekcija Krugovi ljubavi Elizabeth Cabalka, klasa 1982
- Downhills Don't Come Free , Jerry Holl, klasa 1972
- The Early Iron Age Metal Hoard from the Al Khawd Area by Paul Yule, Class of 1965
- Radionica za obradu metala iz ranog željeznog doba u praznoj četvrti , Paul Yule, klasa 1965.
- Pronalaženje puta: Porodice i iskustvo raka, Gail Noller (Sundem), klasa 1966.
- Footprints of Courage od Jan Jenkins, klasa 1970
- Gen Z @ Work: How the Next Generation is Transforming the Workplace by David Stillman and Jonah Stillman, class of 2017
- Gifts from the Dark: Learning from the Incarceration Experience, Dr. Joni (Hlavacek) Schwartz '71
- HCISPP Study Guide by Justin Rainey, Class of 1999
- Incidenti putovanja u Kinu , Alex Messenger, klasa 2006
- Late antique Yemen, Beiheft by Paul Yule, Class of 1965
- Leaving the House of Ghosts: Cambodian Refugees in the American Midwest by Sarah Streed, class of 1978
- Learning to Disclose: A Journey of Transracial Adoption by Joni Schwartz, class of 1971
- Letterpress Printing: A Manual for Modern Fine Press Printers by Paul Maravelas, class of 1974
- Medicine Man: Memoir of a Cancer Physician od Petera Kennedyja, klasa 1962
- Midwest Marvels - Eric Dregni, klasa 1986
- Motocikl 201 Davida Prestona, klasa 1965
- Motociklističko srce, teorija i praksa od Davida Prestona, klasa 1965.
- Move More, Sit Less & Eat Right by Alan Tollefson, class of 1959
- No Corner Left Unturned od Davida Prestona, klasa 1965
- Oath Betrayed: Torture, Medical Complicity and the War on Terror by Steven H. Miles, M.D., class of 1968
- Publish Your Photography Book by Darius D. Himes and Mary Virginia Swanson, class of 1971
- Reclaiming Your Lost Soul: A Soul Seekers Life Guide for Healing Codependency by Peg (Zastrow) Roberts, class of 1971
- Uočavanje znakova Douga Lanskyja, razred 1988.
- Simple Answers: Life Is More Than Just About Money by Nicole N. Middendorf, class of 1994
- Oblikovanje naše zajednice od Alana Tollefsona, klasa 1959
- Himyar/Late Antique Yemen by Paul Yule, Class of 1965
- Srijedom u Fluff 'n' Foldu , Elizabeth Cabalka, razred 1982.
- Weird Minnesota - Eric Dregni, klasa 1986
- Vjetar u našim dječjim jedrima , Paul Reifenberger, klasa 1952.
- Piletina iz Čehoslovačke Christophera Thielena '80
- Odbrojavanje do akcije! Joan Marie Verba, klasa 1971
- Šuma maslačka , Paul Reifenberger, klasa 1952.
- Kao da se ništa nevjerovatno nikada nije dogodilo Emily (Chambers) Blejwas (MHS 1992-94) klasa 1996
- Once You Know This od Emily (Chambers) Blejwas, (MHS 1992-94) klasa 1996
- Treća Marcia od Davida Prestona, klasa 1965
- Bila je to noć vještica od Rachael Ruley-Smith, razred 200
- The CAD/CAM Handbook by John C. Boertjens, class of 1961
- Savremena fizička distribucija i logistika , James C. Johnson, klasa 1962.
- Savremeni transport od Jamesa C. Johnsona, klasa 1962
- Uvod u menadžment računovodstvo Gary Sundem, klasa 1963
- Studio Foundations: An Introduction to the Understanding and Practice of Visual Art by Alex Messenger, class of 2006
- Spajanja kamiona od Jamesa C. Johnsona, klasa 1962
Alumni umjetnici
- Alice Bruderer, klasa 2011:
- Hillary Greenstein, klasa 2010:
- Steve Hamrick, klasa 1974
- Lori Lechler, klasa 1971
Alumni muzičari
- Tim Kucij, klasa 1972:
- Tim Mahoney, klasa 1990:
- John Mark Nelson, klasa 2012:
- Will Schmid, klasa 2016 (Will Schmid Quartet):
Predsjednica: Marietta Jacobsen '70
Sekretar: Laura Forslev '85
Blagajnik: Scott Meriwether '68
Udruženje bivših studenata Minnetonke
P.O. Box 103
Excelsior, MN 55331
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